Magnificent Freedom
A fragrance for those whose home should smell of harmony and romance.
Origin of fragrance - France.
Top notes: apple, melon, pear
Heart notes: honey, magnolia, jasmine, clove pink
Base notes: vetiver, musk, cedar
I will fill them with wildflowers and a sense of clean comfort, and I will inspire you to open your arms more often to the beauty, freedom and harmony of the world. I will surround you with comfort and the freshness of nature.
Magnolia scent will be appreciated by every woman who likes floral, romantic, fresh and fruity scents. A personality that values harmony, coziness, beauty and romance.
Labai puikus, malonus ir neerzinantis kvapas! Very nice, pleasant and non-irritating smell!
Malonus ir romantiškas kvapas, kuris man labai patiko. Puiki dovana :) A pleasant and romantic scent that I really liked. Great gift :)
Puikus Excellent
Kvapas labai patinka, intensyviai kvėpina patalpą I really like the smell, it intensively scents the room
Magnolija Magnolia
Gaivaus kvapo , lengvas , švelnus . Man patinka . Fresh smelling, light, gentle. I like .
Magnolija Magnolia
Gana intensyvus, sodrus kvapas. Užtenka poros papurškimų, ilgai išlieka. Quite an intense, rich smell. A couple of sprays is enough, it lasts a long time.
Magnolija Magnolia
Gražus įpakavimas, tobulas kvapas. Puikiai tinka kaip dovana:)) Beautiful packaging, perfect smell. Perfect as a gift :))
Magnolija Magnolia
Nuostabus šiltas, su gaivumo nata ir neįkyrus kvapss Wonderful warm, with a note of freshness and unobtrusive smell
Magnolija Magnolia
Naudoju vonios kambaryje, puikiai tinka toks lengvas gaivus kvapas I use it in the bathroom, the light fresh scent is perfect
Magnolija Magnolia
Labai švelnus ir malonus kvapas Very mild and pleasant smell
Magnolija Magnolia
Neikyrus, gaivus, salstelejes, universalus kvapas. Laikantis instrukciju, puikiai sklinda ir jauciasi. Unfussy, fresh, frosty, universal scent. If you follow the instructions, it spreads and feels great.
magnolija yra super magnolia is super
puikiai tinka ir spintai, ir auto. negaliu atsiuostyt perfect for both wardrobe and car. i can't undress
Magnolija Magnolia
Tikriausiai vienas iš megstamiausiu kvapu. Probably one of the most loved scents.
Magnolija Magnolia
Labai patinka, toks subtilus, elegantiškas kvapas. I really like it, such a delicate, elegant scent.
Magnolija Magnolia
Labai geri! Ilgai išliekantis Very good! Long lasting
Magnolija Magnolia
Puikus kvapas, pakeliantis nuotaiką. A great uplifting scent.
Magnolijos kvapas The smell of magnolia
Labai geras namų kvapas. Džiauguosi jį įsigijusi. Tikra romantika namuose A very good home fragrance. I'm glad I bought it. Real romance at home
Magnolija Magnolia
Labai patiko kvapas, saldziai gaivus! I really liked the smell, sweet and fresh!
Magnolija Magnolia
10/10 tiek pačiam kvapui tiek kokybei. Laikau padėtą svetainėje, bet kvapas pasiskirsto per visus namus, ir ilgiau išliekančio intensyvaus kvapo nesu turėjusi. 10/10 for both the scent itself and the quality. I keep it in the living room, but the smell spreads throughout the house, and I have never had an intense smell that lasts longer.
Magnijila Magnijila
Na mano nuomone kaip tuoleto gaiviklis Well, in my opinion, it's like a refreshing drink
magnolija magnolia
gaiviai saldus, labai patiko refreshingly sweet, I really liked it
Nekartosiu I won't repeat
Tiesiog ne mano skonio kvapas pasirodė. Nepastebėjau visų sudedamųjų dalių, obuolys man užgožia visas kitas natas. Nukeliavo į vonios kambarį, įdėtos 4 lazdelės, bet nepasakyčiau, kad kvepia intensyviai The smell just wasn't to my taste. I didn't notice all the ingredients, the apple overshadows all the other notes for me. Went to the bathroom, put 4 sticks in, but I wouldn't say it smells strong
Magnolija Magnolia
Namuose tikra vasara!Puikus kvapas! It's real summer at home! Great smell!
Magnolija Magnolia
Puikus kvapas! Nenusivyliau ... net pirkdama ekspromtu Great smell! I was not disappointed ... even when buying impromptu
Magnolija Magnolia
Super kvapas ,gaiva atsiskleidzia Super smell, freshness reveals itself
Magnolija Magnolia
Labai lengvas, romantiskas aromatas A very light, romantic fragrance
Magnolija Magnolia
Labai patinka šis kvapas, labai džiaugiuosi pasirinkęs.Stiprus kvapas, palaikius lazdeles rankose kvapas iślieka apie tris dienas nežiùrint į tai, kad rankas plauni. I really like this smell, I'm very glad I chose it. Strong smell, after holding the sticks in your hands, the smell remains for about three days regardless of the fact that you wash your hands.
Atsiliepimas response
Tokio faino kvapo dar nesu turėjus, labai labai rekomenduoju! I have never had such a fine scent before, I highly recommend it!
Magnolija Magnolia
Magnolijos kvapas labai skanus ir toks raminantis, nuteikiantis poilsiui. Puikiai kvepia. Tačiau kiek anksčiau pirktas Vasaros sodas nekvepia visai, net ir kelių kvadratų kambarėlyje. The smell of magnolia is very delicious and so soothing and relaxing. Smells great. However, the Summer Garden purchased a little earlier does not smell at all, even in a room of several square meters.
Magnolija Magnolia
Nuostabus, švelnus aromatas A wonderful, gentle aroma
Magnolija Magnolia
Labai švelnus ir geras kvapas Very mild and good smell
Magnolija Magnolia
Subtiliai gaivus su saldumu kvapas, neerzinantis Subtly fresh with sweetness, non-irritating
Magnolija Magnolia
Nuostabus ir ilgai išliekantis namų kvapas. Ypač tiks mėgstantiems saldesnį kvapą A wonderful and long-lasting home fragrance. Especially suitable for those who like a sweeter smell
Magnolija Magnolia
Super kvapas! Pats mėgstamiausias! Super smell! The most favorite!
Lengvas gaivus Light refreshing
Nuostabus saldžiai gaivus kvapas. Naudoju jį WC patalpoje. A wonderful sweet fresh scent. I use it in the WC room.
Magnolija Magnolia
Nerealus kvapas, taip pat cili apelsinas lb patiko. Unreal smell, I also liked the chili orange.
Magnojia magnolia
Kvapas labai malonus ir švarus. The smell is very pleasant and clean.
Magnolija (purškiamas) Magnolia (spray)
Užbūrė mana šis kvapas I was enchanted by this smell
magnolija magnolia
Malonus jaukius harmoningas kvapas Pleasant, cozy, harmonious scent
Magnolija Magnolia
Tai tapo mūsų namų kvapu It has become our home fragrance
Magnolija Magnolia
Pradžioje drąsus, vėliau malonų aromatą skleidžiantis pro rūko šydą. Bold at the beginning, later spreading a pleasant aroma through the veil of fog.
Magnolija Magnolia
Patiko. Jau ne pirmą kartą perkame. Labai gaivus kvapas, turintis malonų saldumą. Rekomenduojame visiems. I liked it. This is not the first time we buy. A very fresh scent with a pleasant sweetness. We recommend it to everyone.
Magnolija Magnolia
Labai geras namų kvapas. Džiauguosi jį įsigijusi. A very good home fragrance. I'm glad I bought it.
Magnolija Magnolia
Labai puikus kvapas,dvelkia švara ir prabanga. Kvapas neįkyrus A very nice smell, smells clean and luxurious. The smell is not intrusive
Magnolija Magnolia
Labai kvapnus ir subtilus kvapas. Nežinau ar atradusi Santala išdrisiu svetaines kvapa iskeisti i si magnoliju kvapa, bet kvapas isties vertas demesio :) Very fragrant and delicate scent. I don't know if I will dare to change the smell of the living room to the smell of magnolia after discovering Santala, but the smell is really worth attention :)
Magnolija Magnolia
Labai švelnus malonus kvapas Very mild pleasant smell
Magnolija Magnolia
Labai patenkinta skleidžiamu kvapu,puikiai tinka vonios kambaryje Very satisfied with the smell, perfect for the bathroom
Magnolija Magnolia
Labai tinka mūsų namams Very suitable for our house
Magnolija Magnolia
Tobulas kvapas,perku jau ne pirma karta.laiko ilgai Perfect smell, I buy it not for the first time. It lasts a long time
Namų kvapas ODORO MOOD „Magnolija" Home fragrance ODORO MOOD "Magnolia"
Idealus kvapas vonios kambariui :) Perfect scent for the bathroom :)
Namų kvapas ODORO MOOD „Magnolija" Home fragrance ODORO MOOD "Magnolia"
Labai malonus aromatas, uzsisakiau ir sau, ir draugei A very pleasant aroma, I ordered both for myself and a friend
Pukiai Puki
Puikus, saldus, bet neįkyrus kvapas. A lovely, sweet but unobtrusive scent.
Vasaros kvapas The smell of summer
Man tai sis kvapas, toks vasara kvepiantis. Tai ziema, kai salta megstu ji pasistatyti, kad bent namuose uzuosciau vasara :) To me, this is the smell, it smells like summer. It's winter, when I want to put it on so that at least it smells like summer at home :)
Giedrė Clear
Atradau šį kvapą per mugę ir pasistačiau vonioje, nu taip tobulai kvepia ! Tokia gaiva ir gėlėmis. Rekomendavo įdėti dvi lazdeles ir tikrai pakanka, kai nedidelė patalpa. Rekomenduoju ! I discovered this scent at the fair and put it in the bathroom, it smells so perfect! So fresh and floral. It was recommended to put two sticks and it is really enough when the room is small. I recommend!
Monika Monica
Vienas mėgstamiausių Jūsų kvapų! One of your favorite scents!
There are 8 products.
Magnolija Magnolia
Viskas patiko :) I liked everything :)