The fragrance spraying of the gift

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Atsiliepimas response

Gražus, sandarus buteliukas kvapui A beautiful, sealed bottle for the fragrance

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Pačiulio džezas Paciuli's jazz

Labai norėčiau Pačiulio džezo purškiamo kvapo! I would love the patchouli jazz spray!

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Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Labai geras kvapas,kvepia visi namai Very good smell, the whole house smells

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Santalas Santal

Tobula Perfect

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Iškvėpinimas Exhalation

Nuostabiai ir ilgai kvepia dėzutė The box smells wonderful and lasts a long time

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Dovanos iškvėpinimas Breathing out the gift

Kvepia gardžiai, tačiau norėtųsi žinoti kokiu kvapu buvo kvėpinta siunta. Siūlau pridėti kortelę: "Jūsų siunta kvepa Šampano kerais/ Kubos šelsmu/t.t." - manau tokia informacija būtų naudinga klientams atrandant daugiau Odoro kvapų! O atradus naują kvapą ir tiksliai žinant pavadimą tikiu, kad tai paskatintų pardavimus! It smells delicious, but I would like to know what kind of scent the parcel was perfumed with. I suggest to add a card: "Your shipment smells like Champagne charms/ Cuban shelsmu/etc" - I think such information would be useful for customers to discover more Odor scents! And discovering a new scent and knowing the exact name I believe would boost sales!

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Fragrance intensity:

Puiki paslauga Excellent service

Nesvarbu, kad dovana man pačiai, bet gauti tokią kvepiančią siuntą labai smagu. It doesn't matter that it's a gift for myself, but it's very fun to receive such a fragrant package.

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Fragrance intensity:

Nerealiai Unreal

Nuostabi paslauga, namai prakvipo tik atidarius siunta! Amazing service, the house was blown away just after opening the package!

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Nuostabu Amazing

Likome labai patenkinti, nes visa dovana buvo paruošta Jūsų deka We were very satisfied, because the whole gift was prepared for you

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