Orange Chilli | Ambient spray | MOOD Collection

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MOOD Collection

ORANGE CHILLI. Positive Energy !

I am dedicated for a home which welcomes lots of positive energy. I will inspire you to be more active and cheerful. I will also increase your enthusiasm for new experiences and remind you to always believe in your own strength and in a beautiful tomorrow.

Origin of fragrance - France.

Ambient spray from ODORO MOOD Collection is a solution for a fast fragrance and mood effect for your cozy home!



Orange Chilli fragrance
am dedicated for a home which welcomes lots of positive energy. I will inspire you to be more active and cheerful. I will also increase your enthusiasm for new experiences and remind you to always believe in your own strength and in a beautiful tomorrow.

Origin of fragrance - France.

You will find various mood formulas in this glass bottle of MOOD collection – let them fill your beloved places. Product consists of: 90 ml aromatic oil and 10 fiber reed diffuser sticks, this duet will do wonders in your beloved spaces.
More about fragrance and its products

Čili apelsinas MINI Chilli Orange MINI

Vienas mėgstamiausių kvapų ir dar vienas labai dailus dizainas.Pagal patalpos dydį manau didesniam pvz vonios kambariui tai pats tas.Mano atveju nusisavino sūnus į savo kambarį One of my favorite scents and another very beautiful design. According to the size of the room, I think it is the same for a larger bathroom, for example. In my case, my son appropriated it in his room

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Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Na man čia visiškas topas,kur atrodo patiks visiems,dominuoja apelsinas su šalia einančiais prieskoniais,kiek aš jų nupirkusIr sau ir visad dovanų turiu spintoj atsargai pasidėjus,maža kur į svečius reiks netikėtai Well, this is a complete top for me, it looks like everyone will like it, the orange dominates with the nearby spices, how many of them have I bought and I always have gifts for myself and stocked up in the cupboard, there are a few places where you will need unexpected guests

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Super! Great!

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Fragrance intensity:

Puikus kvapas Great smell

Puikiai kvepia ir ilgai išlieka Smells great and lasts a long time

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Fragrance intensity:

Čili apelsinas purškiamas kvapas Chili orange spray fragrance

Puikus kvapas, puikiai tinka žiemos sezonui, maloniai intensyvus. Great scent, perfect for the winter season, pleasantly intense.

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Fragrance intensity:

Cili apelsinas Chilli orange

Labai puikus,tokio ir tikejaus Very good, as you would expect

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Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Super gaivus ir intensyvus kvapas. Super fresh and intense scent.

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Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Neblogas,bet man nelabai tinka nes turi toki muilo kvapa.Taip kvepia maloniai. It's not bad, but it doesn't really suit me because it smells like soap. It smells so nice.

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Odoro Odor

vienas geriausiu kvapu???? one with the best scent????

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Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Labai patiko Really liked it

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Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Labai skanus skonis. Very delicious taste.

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Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Saldus, šiltas, kalėdinis. Jaučiasi papurškus ilgą laiką. Pirkau šį kvapą pirmą kart, neapsirikau Sweet, warm, Christmassy. Feels after spraying for a long time. I bought this fragrance for the first time, I was not mistaken

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Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Tobulas. Užuodžiau kvapą, visame pastate ieškojau iš kur sklinda šis aromatas. Suradau ir iškart porą buteliukų užsisakiau. Ačiū ODORO️ Perfect. I smelled it, I searched the whole building where this aroma was coming from. I found it and immediately ordered a couple of bottles. Thank you ODORO️

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Fragrance intensity:

Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Atrodo, kad saldus, bet visai neikirus kvapas. Žiauriai patiko, primena kazkokius čiulpiamus saldainius. :) It seems to be sweet, but not at all smelly. I really liked it, it reminds me of some kind of sucking candy. :)

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Fragrance intensity:

Cili apelsinas Chilli orange

Gavau dovanu kvapas nuostabus.pirkau ir papildyma ir purskiama. I received it as a gift, the smell is wonderful. I bought a refill and a spray.

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Fragrance intensity:

Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Puikus ,labai malonus kvapas . Excellent, very pleasant smell.

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Fragrance intensity:

Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Laba labai geras. Hello, very good.

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Fragrance intensity:

Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Patinka! Like it!

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Fragrance intensity:

Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Nepatiko. Nemaloniai aitrus. Pirkau vertindama komentarus,nuvylė Didn't like it. Unpleasantly pungent. I bought it based on the comments, I was disappointed

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Fragrance intensity:

Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Ši kvapas man tobuliausias. Drąsiai jį ir dovanoju, nes žinau, kad tikrai patiks. Nesutikau, kad kažkam jis netiktų. Pozityvi energija! This scent is perfect for me. I boldly give it as a gift, because I know you will really like it. I didn't agree that it wouldn't suit someone. Positive energy!

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Fragrance intensity:

Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Mano mėgstamiausias kvapas, intesyvus, ilgai išlieka primena Kalėdas. My favorite scent, intense, long-lasting, reminiscent of Christmas.

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Fragrance intensity:

Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Man labai patinka šis kvapas. Aš jį naudoju vonios kambary. I really like this scent. I use it in the bathroom.

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Fragrance intensity:

čili aplsinas chili apple

Gaivus, šviežias kvapas, per daug nėra aštrus. Malonus Fresh, fresh scent, not too spicy. Pleasant

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Fragrance intensity:

Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Laaaabai super kvapas Soooo great smell

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Fragrance intensity:

Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Puikūs kvapas super Great smell, super

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Fragrance intensity:

Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Mano megstamiausias kvapas, ilgai isliekantis My favorite long-lasting scent

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Fragrance intensity:

Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Prabangus, nuotaika kelentis kvapas, Labai patiko A luxurious, uplifting scent, I really liked it

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Fragrance intensity:

Čili apelsinas. Chili orange.

Super Great

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Fragrance intensity:

Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Rekomenduoju mėgstantiems citrusinių vaisių kvapą. Čia apelsinai tikrai jaučiasi. I recommend it to those who like the smell of citrus fruits. Oranges are really felt here.

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Nepasiteisino It didn't work out

Deja, bet ne man.. be galo džiaugiuosi santalu, šampano namais ar kalėdų kvapais. Šiam kvapui trūksta “cinkelio”. Žinoma, skonis draugų neturi! Unfortunately, but not for me.. I am very happy with sandalwood, house of champagne or Christmas scents. This scent lacks "zing". Of course, taste has no friends!

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Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Nuostabus kvapas Amazing smell

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Nuostabus kvapas namams A wonderful fragrance for the home

Kvepia nuostabiai, kvapas stiprus ir ilgai išliekantis. It smells amazing, the scent is strong and long lasting.

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Nelabai Not really

Vyrui patiko, man ne gal kad nemėgstu čilį per aštrus, labiau patinka švelnus saldesni kvapai. My husband liked it, maybe I don't like chili too spicy, I prefer mild sweeter scents.

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Čili apelsinas | Purškiamas kvapas Chili Orange | Spray scent

Puikus, šviežias ir ilgai išliekantis kvapas. Perku pastoviai Great, fresh and long-lasting scent. I buy constantly

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Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Labai patiko, tai salstelėjęs šventiškas kvapas. Sakyčiau toks tikrų Kalėdų kvapas su jaukumo natomis. I really liked it, it's a frozen festive scent. I would say this is the scent of real Christmas with cozy notes.

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Kvapas The smell

Labai patiko ???? Really liked it ????

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Pats geriausias The best

Iš visų Odoro kvapų pats mėgstamiausias. Gaivus, kvepia citrusais, kartais net primena Kalėdas The most favorite of all Odor fragrances. Fresh, smells like citrus, sometimes even reminds me of Christmas

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Tobulas kvapas Perfect scent

Tai tobulas, visiškai neerzinantis ir gaivus kvapas, atsiduodantis apelsinais. Namams suteikia pozityvumo :) It's a perfect, completely non-irritating and fresh scent, full of oranges. Brings positivity to the home :)

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Tobulas kvapas namams The perfect home fragrance

Kai atradau si kvapa, jokio kito nebenaudoju savo namams When I discovered this scent, I don't use any other for my home

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Super Great

Greitas ir itin geras kvapo efektas. Nepalyginsi su kitais kvėpikliais, nes daug ilgiau jaučiasi. Fast and extremely good smelling effect. You can't compare it with other perfumes, because it feels much longer.

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Ambient spray from  ODORO MOOD Collection is a solution for a fast fragrance and mood effect for your cozy home!

 Hello! My name is ODORO.
I represent the collection of home fragrances that combine finest quality, friendly design and handmade solution into the final products for your home.
 --- I dare to say that I am probably the most concentrated home scent on the market. The high concentration of aromatic oil guarantees both a highly perceptible odor and a long duration.
 --- It depends on you how long the fragrance will last. One bottle is enough for 727 spray units.  2-3 sprays is enough to get a nice and fragrant effect.

Composition: Ethanol, dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether, distilled water, d-limonene, isopropanol, butanol, iso e super.
W I S H   Y O U   A   L I F E  
F U L L   O F   W O N D E R F U L  
F R A G R A N C E S !   
>100 Items

Data sheet

Scent notes
Scent notes
Scent notes
Scent notes
Scent notes
Scent notes
Scent notes
Type of scent
Type of scent
Type of scent
Type of scent
Autumn, winter
Type of scent
Type of scent
Type of scent
It's a gift
For Him

Specific References

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