Cuban Soul | Home fragrance 90 ml | MOOD
Fragrance intensity:
CUBAN SOUL. Bohemian Atmosphere!
Origin of fragrance - France.
The inseparable duo of my home fragrance - a round glass bottle with 90 ml of aromatic oil and black multi-fiber sticks of new technology - works wonders in your beloved spaces.
The bottle of the MOOD collection contains the aromatic formula of the scent and the mood it provides for you and your home.
Puikus Excellent
Labai geras kvapas, naudojam ofise. Very good smell, we use it in the office.
Labai įdomus kvapas,ganėtinai išskirtinis,neturiu net su kuo palygint,lyg saldesnė mediena galbūt?Ne prieskoninis.Neturi rytietiško poskonio,kas yra labai gerai,nes man asmeniškai nepatinka,kai kvapas primena smilkalus. A very interesting smell, quite unique, I don't even have anything to compare it to, like a sweeter wood maybe? Not spicy. It doesn't have an oriental aftertaste, which is very good, because I personally don't like when the smell resembles incense.
Puikus Excellent
Labai geras kvapas, naudojam ofise. Very good smell, we use it in the office.
Show originalShow translationKUBOS ŠĖLSMAS THE COLDNESS OF CUBA
Labai įdomus kvapas,ganėtinai išskirtinis,neturiu net su kuo palygint,lyg saldesnė mediena galbūt?Ne prieskoninis.Neturi rytietiško poskonio,kas yra labai gerai,nes man asmeniškai nepatinka,kai kvapas primena smilkalus. A very interesting smell, quite unique, I don't even have anything to compare it to, like a sweeter wood maybe? Not spicy. It doesn't have an oriental aftertaste, which is very good, because I personally don't like when the smell resembles incense.
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Puikus kvapas, buteliuko ilgam užtenka. Great smell, the bottle lasts for a long time.
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Patiko labai bandysiu sampana I liked it very much, I will try the sampan
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Labai malonus kvapas.Perku šį kvapą antrą kartą,buteliuko ilgam. Likau labai patenkinta! Very pleasant smell. I buy this smell for the second time, the bottle lasts a long time. I was very satisfied!
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas ir Juodieji serbentai Cuban Revelry and Black Currants
Puikus Excellent
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Labai malonus ir išskirtinis kvapas A very pleasant and unique smell
Show originalShow translationNuostabus Wonderful
Kvapas kuris neerzina, švelniai pasklinda po kambarį o priėjus arčiau nereikia raukyti nosies nuo kvapo intensyvumo. Pasistačiau kolidoriuje, kvapas jaučiasi gan plačiai. Labai patiko vyrui. Toks šiltas, jaukus, manau puikiai tinkantis dovanai. The scent, which is not annoying, gently spreads around the room, and when you get closer, you don't have to wrinkle your nose because of the intensity of the smell. I stood in the corridor, the smell is felt quite widely. The husband liked it very much. So warm, cozy, I think it's perfect for a gift.
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Įspūdingas. Saldžiai stiprus kvapas. Su charakteriu ... Impressive. Sweet strong smell. With character...
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Puikiai. Kvapas stulbinantis Excellent. The smell is amazing
Show originalShow translationKUBOS ŠĖLSMAS THE COLDNESS OF CUBA
Labai rekomenduoju! Kvapas ilgai išsilaiko, taio pat skaniai, prabangiai kvepia ???? Highly recommend! The fragrance lasts a long time, and it also smells delicious, luxurious ????
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Labai malonus kvapas. Very pleasant smell.
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Kvapas nuostabus! Gavau jį dovanų, negaliu atsidžiaugti. Pateisino visus mano lūkesčius! The smell is amazing! I got it as a gift, I couldn't be happier. Met all my expectations!
Show originalShow translationKubos Šėlsmas Cuban Salt
Dar neišpakavau, bet jaučiu bus geras :) I haven't unpacked it yet, but I have a feeling it will be good :)
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Nuostabus kvapas! Labai tinkantis dovanoti, kadangi kvapas labai subtilus ir manau įtiks įvairiems skoniams Amazing smell! It is very suitable for giving as a gift, because the smell is very delicate and I think it will appeal to various tastes
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Kvapas patinka, galėtų ilgiau kvepėti, bet kartas nuo karto reikia vartyti pagaliukus, nes dingsta kvapas. Arba priprantama prie jo. Apverti pagaliukus ir vėl viskas puiku. :) I like the smell, it could smell longer, but you need to turn the sticks from time to time, because the smell disappears. Or get used to it. Flip the sticks and it's great again. :)
Show originalShow translationReda Reda
Labai geras kvapas . Nepriklus , neįkirus. Very good smell. Non-obtrusive, non-obtrusive.
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Laaabai patiko! Pirmas, bet ne paskutinis kartas, kai užsisakau. Loved it! First but not last time I order.
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Nuostabus ir ilgai išsilaikantis kvapas! Užsisakiau dar! Amazing and long lasting scent! I ordered more!
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Nerealus kvapas,labai ilgai išliekantis. Unreal smell, very long lasting.
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Sodrus, šiltas, jaukus kvapas Rich, warm, pleasant smell
Show originalShow translationKubis šėlsmas A lot of fun
Puikus kvapas, ypač tinkamas vyriškai dovanai A great fragrance, especially suitable for a man's gift
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Ilgą laiką bijojau pirkti šį kvapą, nes pagal aprašymą atrodė, kad bus labai specifinis. Tačiau vistik nusprendžiau surizikuoti ir nesigailiu. Kvapas labai geras, nei kiek neerzinantis. Primena mano atistogas Kuboje :) I was afraid to buy this fragrance for a long time because the description made it seem like it would be very specific. However, I decided to take the risk and I don't regret it. The smell is very good, not annoying at all. Reminds me of my vacation in Cuba :)
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
labai skaniai i maloniai kvepia. Kvapas švelnus, neerzinantis very tasty and smells nice. The smell is mild, non-irritating
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Šis kvapas labai patiko, nors nebuvau tikra, ar nebus per saldus, tačiau saldumas neįkyrus, prislopintas ir labai primena šiltąjį metų laiką, todėl taip ir norisi prie to kvapo sugrįžti I really liked this scent, although I wasn't sure if it would be too sweet, but the sweetness is not obtrusive, muted and very reminiscent of the warm season, so I want to go back to it
Show originalShow translationKubos selsmas Cuban Selms
Kai atidariau kvapas buvo nuostabus, bet visiskai neissiskleide, neskleidzia kvapo, labai nusivyliau, nes pries tai turejau magnolija kvapa ir kvepejo visas kambarys. When I opened it, the smell was amazing, but it didn't spread at all, it didn't give off a scent, I was very disappointed, because before that I had a magnolia smell and the whole room smelled.
Show originalShow translationNuostabus Wonderful
Nuostabus, rytietiškų motyvų kvapas. Labai mėgstamas mano namuose. A wonderful fragrance with oriental motifs. A big favorite in my house.
Show originalShow translationRekomenduoju I recommend it
Labai skanus kvapas, neerzina. Nuostabus ipakavimas, tinka dovanai. Nustebinote, tikrai pirksiu dar karta. Very tasty smell, not annoying. Great packaging, perfect for a gift. You surprised me, I will definitely buy again.
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Nuostabiai svaigus kvapas A wonderfully intoxicating scent
Show originalShow translationKvapas The smell
Kvapas labai geras, bet norint kad kvepėtų kas antrą dieną reikia apversti pagaliukus The smell is very good, but you need to turn the sticks every other day to keep it smelling good
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
patiko aromatas,antrą butelaitį pirkau ... I liked the aroma, I bought a second bottle...
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas | Namų kvapas 90 ml | MOOD Cuban Revelry | Home fragrance 90 ml | MOOD
pasirinkimas pateisino lukescius....aciu the choice justified the expectations....thank you
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Kvapas gryno tabako. Kvepia kaip vyriški kvepalai. Intensyvus. Man tikrai patiko. Verta šį kvapą išbandyti. Sodrus ir prabangus. The smell of pure tobacco. Smells like a men's perfume. Intense. I really liked it. This fragrance is worth trying. Rich and luxurious.
Show originalShow translationKubos selsmas Cuban Selms
Labai patiko .super kvapas.namai kvepia dar kartosiu I really liked it. super smell. the house smells good. I will repeat it again
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Pačios nuostabiausios atostogos buvo Kuboje. Pirkau kvapą dėl pavadinimo. Nenuvylė, tikrai primena Kubą, su visomis jos šėlionėmis ir daug veidų turinčia Havana. Tai toks ir ura šitas kvapas-daugiaveidis. Puikus!!! The most wonderful vacation was in Cuba. I bought the fragrance because of the name. It did not disappoint, it really reminds me of Cuba, with all its frenzies and the many faces of Havana. That's what this scent is all about - it's multi-faceted. Excellent!!!
Show originalShow translationNepaprastas Extraordinary
Puikūs, švelnus. Bet ombra visgi įspūdingiausias Great, gentle. But ombra is still the most impressive
Show originalShow translationKUBOS ŠĖLSMAS THE COLDNESS OF CUBA
Kažkas Vauuu, labai patiko Something Wow, I really liked it
Show originalShow translationKubos šelsmas Cuban charm
Puikus kvapas, turbūt kad bandysiu ir vel Great smell, I'll probably try it again
Show originalShow translationKubos šelsmas Cuban charm
Labai patiko kvapas. I really liked the smell.
Show originalShow translationGeras Good
Geras dėl to, kad kvepia ilgai, kvapas solidus, dailus dizainas, daugiau nereikės blaškytis tarp galybės kvapų Good because it lasts a long time, the smell is solid, the design is nice, you won't have to wander between the scents of power anymore
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Man patiko tas prieskonis. Tai negali aprašyti, reikia užuosti. I liked that spice. You can't describe it, you have to smell it.
Show originalShow translationVaida M Vaida M
Nuostabus kvapas, patiks tiems kam pabodę perdaug nusaldinti kvapai. Taip pat ypatingas dėmesys skirtas prekių supakavimui, nuo pat dėžutės atidarymo jaučiasi kokybė, investuota netik į prekę, bet ir jos pakuotę. Šaunuoliai, sėkmės ODORO komandai :) A wonderful smell, it will appeal to those who are tired of excessively sweetened smells. Special attention is also paid to the packaging of the goods, from the moment you open the box, you can feel the quality, investment is not only in the product, but also in its packaging. Cool guys, good luck to the ODORO team :)
Show originalShow translationMėgstamiausias Favourite
Jau metus, tai mano mėgstamiausias kvapas. Turiu ir kitus produktus šio kvapo, esu labai patenkinta:) It's been my favorite scent for years. I have other products with this scent, I am very satisfied :)
Show originalShow translationVilija Willia
Pirkau draugui dovanų ir pataikiau puikiai ! Labai patiko kvapas, toks tikrai pašėlęs ir išskirtinis kvapas. Tiesa turi šiek tiek saldumo. I bought it as a gift for a friend and it was perfect! I really liked the smell, such a really crazy and unique smell. The truth has a little sweetness.
Show originalShow translationNerealus kvapas - Unreal smell -
sodrus, "skanus", atpalaiduojantis ir labai jausmingas.. rich, "delicious", relaxing and very sensual..
Show originalShow translationHome fragrances ODORO MOOD Collection - this is a fragrant mood formula for your cozy home!
Hello! My name is ODORO.
I represent the collection of home fragrances that combine finest quality, friendly design and handmade solution into the final products for your home.
--- I dare to say that I am probably the most concentrated
home scent on the market. The high concentration of aromatic oil guarantees both a highly perceptible odor and a long duration.
--- My black fiber coated sticks are made using exceptional technology – the longitudinal pores of the sticks are precisely located along each other, that ensures smooth and effective feed of the oil from the bottle
You only need to flip them once per week. It is estimated that these sticks are 50% more effective than wooden sticks.
--- Home fragrance last up to 4 months if you remember to take a little care of me. I recommend to use 3-4 sticks and flip them every few days, or at leats once a week. When flipping does not refresh the fragrance anymore, replace them with the new ones. More information you will find here: ODORO home fragrance instructions.
F R A G R A N C E S !Data sheet
- Collection
- Scent notes
- Absinthium
- Scent notes
- Coumarin
- Scent notes
- Scented sage
- Scent notes
- Tree
- Scent notes
- Honey
- Scent notes
- Musk
- Scent notes
- Rum
- Scent notes
- Tobacco
- Scent notes
- Vanilla
- Type of scent
- Oriental
- Type of scent
- Woody
- Type of scent
- Delicate
- Type of scent
- Masculine
- Type of scent
- Gourmet
- Type of scent
- Autumn, winter
- Type of scent
- Valentine's Day scents
- Type of scent
- Sweet
- Type of scent
- Luxurious
- It's a gift
- For Him