Cuban Soul | Scented card
Fragrance intensity:
CUBAN SOUL. Bohemian Atmosphere!
I am devoted for a home where joyful music and enjoyable conversations never stop. I will cultivate a sense of bohemian relaxation and luxurious dusk. I will inspire you and your guests to relax, share the stories, dance and live like it’s the last day of your life.
I am a scented card ODORO for your clothes, car or any other place that needs a pleasant and luxurious scent. I will decorate your environment, fill it with a light breath of fragrance and luxury! All you have to do is pull me out of the bag. Full detailed instructions can be found on my outer packaging.
Puikus Excellent
Labai geras kvapas, naudojam ofise. Very good smell, we use it in the office.
Labai įdomus kvapas,ganėtinai išskirtinis,neturiu net su kuo palygint,lyg saldesnė mediena galbūt?Ne prieskoninis.Neturi rytietiško poskonio,kas yra labai gerai,nes man asmeniškai nepatinka,kai kvapas primena smilkalus. A very interesting smell, quite unique, I don't even have anything to compare it to, like a sweeter wood maybe? Not spicy. It doesn't have an oriental aftertaste, which is very good, because I personally don't like when the smell resembles incense.
Kubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Labai labai skaniai kvepia, tačiau kvapas nėra intensyvus, nuo kurio atidarymo poto gali skaudėti galvą. Apgalvotas sprendimas. Taip ir toliau! It smells very, very delicious, but the smell is not intense, which can give you a headache when you open it. Thoughtful decision. Thereby further!
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Automobilyje pats geriausias!! The best in the car!!
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Mano mėgstamas kvapas. Dovanoju jį ir savo draugams My favorite scent. I also give it to my friends
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
kvapas geras, bet nestiprus the smell is good but not strong
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Neįkyrus, malonus kvapas automobiliui. Unobtrusive, pleasant smell for the car.
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Patiko, saldus, skanus kvapas I liked it, sweet, delicious smell
Show originalShow translationNelabai Not really
Keistas ir truputį erzinantis kvapas. Kam nepatinka tabako kvapas, geriau nepirkite A strange and slightly annoying smell. If you don't like the smell of tobacco, don't buy it
Show originalShow translationKunos šėlsmas Kuna's spree
Prabangus, neįkyrus kvapas. A luxurious, unobtrusive scent.
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas kortelė Cuban spree card
Įdėjau į spintą, tai labai geras kvapas pravėrus duris. I put it in the closet, it smells really good when I open the door.
Show originalShow translationKubos sielsmas Cuban soul
Tikejausiu kad bis intensivesnis kvapas I hope that it will be a more intense smell
Show originalShow translationKubos šelsmas Cuban charm
Kvapas intensyvus buvo gal savaite, paskui sumazejo: The smell was intense for maybe a week, then it decreased:
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
pradeda kvepėti kaip pašyla mašiniukas, kambario kvapas geriau atsiskleidžia. it starts to smell like the car is warming up, the smell of the room is better revealed.
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Labai malonus kvapas automobilio salonui A very pleasant smell for the car interior
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Malonu kas yra įsėdus į mašiną užuosti šį nuostabų kvapą. It's nice to smell this wonderful smell when you get into the car.
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Pats skaniausias kvapas koki esu turėjęs automobilyje, laikosi pakankamai ilgai The most delicious smell I have ever had in a car, it lasts a long time
Show originalShow translationNuvylė Disappointed
Automobilio kvapas nuvylė, nes skyrėsi kvapu nuo kubos šėlsmo namų kvapo, lyg du skirtingi kvapai. Intensyvumas kvapo buvo labai trumpas, kvapas nebesijautė po savaitės.... Turėjome mašinos kvapą santalas, tai kvapas mašinoje buvo jaučiamas daugiau nei mėnesį. The smell of the car was disappointing because it smelled different from the smell of the Cuban funhouse, like two different smells. The intensity of the smell was very short, the smell was gone after a week.... We had a car smell of sandalwood, the smell was felt in the car for more than a month.
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Labai skaniai kvepia, puikiai laiko. Nuo šiol vienas mėgstamiausių automobilio kvapų. It smells very good, it lasts well. One of my favorite car scents from now on.
Show originalShow translationAromatinė kortelė - kubos šėlsmas Aromatic card - the revelry of the cube
Kvapas gana intensyvus bet labai malonus. Šis kvapas kabo automobilyje, nei vienas kvapas taip nekvepėjo nei šis. Kvapas tiesiog užburiantis! Pačios geriausios rekomendacijos! The smell is quite intense but very pleasant. This scent hangs in the car, no other scent has smelled better than this one. The smell is simply enchanting! The best recommendations!
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Aromatinę kortelę pirkau kaip dovaną, gavusiam šią dovaną aromatas patiko:) I bought the aroma card as a gift, the recipient liked the aroma :)
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Laaabai geras , įdomus, rytietiškas kvapas, ilgai laikosi. Very good, interesting, oriental scent, lasts a long time.
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Labai subtilus kvapas, užburiantis. A very delicate scent, mesmerizing.
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Kabo automobilyje,puikus kvapas Hanging in the car, great smell
Show originalShow translationPatiko I liked it
Pats kvapas tikrai patiko, tačiau jo išsilaikymas - ne. Sakyčiau gan greitai (po savaitės) kvapas tapo silpnas ir vos juntamas. I really liked the scent itself, but not its longevity. I would say that soon (after a week) the smell became weak and barely perceptible.
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas | Aromatinė kortelė ODORO Cuban Revelry | Aromatic card ODORO
Nuostabus kvapas Amazing smell
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Namų tokio kvapo nenorėčiau, automobiliui tenkina. I wouldn't want that smell at home, it's fine for the car.
Show originalShow translationLabai patiko Really liked it
Spinta su šiuo kvapu kvepia tiesiog nuostabiai! Džiaugiuosi išsirinkusi šį kvapą. A closet with this scent smells simply amazing! I am glad I chose this fragrance.
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Labai.patinka automobilyje vis jaučiamas kavos kvapas. I really like the smell of coffee in the car.
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry
Labai tiko rūbų spintai Very suitable for the wardrobe
Show originalShow translationKubos šėlsmas | Aromatinė kortelė Cuban Revelry | Aromatic card
Tai kvapas kurį atradau vaikštinėdamas po kalėdų mugę akropolyje. Nuo to laiko - mes neišskiriami. This is a scent I discovered while walking around the Christmas market in the acropolis. Since then - we are inseparable.
Show originalShow translationData sheet
- Collection
- Scent notes
- Absinthium
- Scent notes
- Coumarin
- Scent notes
- Scented sage
- Scent notes
- Tree
- Scent notes
- Honey
- Scent notes
- Musk
- Scent notes
- Rum
- Scent notes
- Tobacco
- Scent notes
- Vanilla
- Type of scent
- Oriental
- Type of scent
- Woody
- Type of scent
- Delicate
- Type of scent
- Masculine
- Type of scent
- Gourmet
- Type of scent
- Autumn, winter
- Type of scent
- Sweet
- Type of scent
- Luxurious
- It's a gift
- For Her
- It's a gift
- For Him