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5 home fragrances for the price of 4 | MOOD

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If you are looking for a beautiful gift or want to buy your favorite ODORO products in larger quantities and at a better price - in this category you will find the solutions offered to you.

Create your own set.

You just need to choose your favorite scents. The ODORO set is designed for your home, car or any other place that needs a pleasant or luxurious scent.
Give a gift to a loved one or just to yourself - ODORO products have no expiration date and will surely make anyone happy with the long-lasting mood of the scent.


Home fragrance 1 * Required

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Home fragrance 5 * Required

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Orange Chilli fragrance
am dedicated for a home which welcomes lots of positive energy. I will inspire you to be more active and cheerful. I will also increase your enthusiasm for new experiences and remind you to always believe in your own strength and in a beautiful tomorrow.

Origin of fragrance - France.

You will find various mood formulas in this glass bottle of MOOD collection – let them fill your beloved places. Product consists of: 90 ml aromatic oil and 10 fiber reed diffuser sticks, this duet will do wonders in your beloved spaces.
More about fragrance and its products

Čili apelsinas MINI Chilli Orange MINI

Vienas mėgstamiausių kvapų ir dar vienas labai dailus dizainas.Pagal patalpos dydį manau didesniam pvz vonios kambariui tai pats tas.Mano atveju nusisavino sūnus į savo kambarį One of my favorite scents and another very beautiful design. According to the size of the room, I think it is the same for a larger bathroom, for example. In my case, my son appropriated it in his room

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Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Na man čia visiškas topas,kur atrodo patiks visiems,dominuoja apelsinas su šalia einančiais prieskoniais,kiek aš jų nupirkusIr sau ir visad dovanų turiu spintoj atsargai pasidėjus,maža kur į svečius reiks netikėtai Well, this is a complete top for me, it looks like everyone will like it, the orange dominates with the nearby spices, how many of them have I bought and I always have gifts for myself and stocked up in the cupboard, there are a few places where you will need unexpected guests

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Super! Great!

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Magnolija Magnolia

Švelnumas, švelnumas, švelnumas... Gentleness, gentleness, gentleness...

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Kubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry

Siuntą gavau greitai. Iš 5 užsakytų kvapų labiausiai patiko Kubos šėlsmas, čili apelsinas ir mangolija. Nuostabūs kvapai I received the package quickly. Of the 5 scents ordered, the ones I liked the most were Cuban Revelry, Chili Orange and Mangolia. Wonderful scents

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cili apelsinas chili orange

tikrai puikaus kvapo, rekomenduoju really great smell, I recommend it

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Puiki įvairovė. Great variety.

Pasirinkau apelsiną, avietę, juoduosius serbentus, santalą, ambrą. Silpniausias aromatas juodųjų serbentų. Avietėmis džiaugiuosi darbe. Tačiau visi kvapai nuostabūs. O pažintis prasidėjo nuo dovanotos magnolijos. Ir dar tą patį vakarą jau užsisakiau pati. Kokybės ir kainos santykis puikus. I chose orange, raspberry, black currant, sandalwood, amber. The weakest aroma of black currants. I enjoy raspberries at work. But all the scents are amazing. And the acquaintance began with a gift of magnolia. And the same evening I already ordered it myself. The quality-price ratio is excellent.

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Kalėdos Christmas

Labai malonus Very kind

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Santalas Santal

Puikus kvapas Great smell

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5 ODORO MOOD namų kvapai už 4 kainą 5 ODORO MOOD home fragrances for the price of 4

Visi kvapai skirtingi, tad jų kolekcija puikus variantas skirtinguose namuose, didesnėse skirtingose patalpose, dovanai pagal kiekvieno uoslę ir pomėgį. Kvapas ilgai išliekantis ir intensyvus, maloniai nuteikiantis. All scents are different, so their collection is a great option for different homes, larger rooms, gifts according to everyone's sense of smell and taste. The scent is long-lasting and intense, pleasant.

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Visi kvapai puikūs All the scents are great

Ypač magnolija... Malonūs kvapai, natūralumo jausmas, skirtingi šleifai sukuria ypatingas nuotaikas Especially magnolia... Pleasant smells, feeling of naturalness, different shades create special moods

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Labai patiko šis kvapas , nepersaldus , namai kvepia šiluma ir jaukumu. I really liked this smell, not too sweet, the house smells of warmth and coziness.

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Kalėdos Christmas

Kadangi kvapus pirkau dovanoms, bet kvapas jaučias net per įpakavimą. Tikros Kalėdos! Because I bought the scents for gifts, but the scent can be felt even through the packaging. Real Christmas!

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Kubos šėlsmas ir Ambra Cuban Revelry and Ambergris

Prabangūs kvapai namams Luxury fragrances for the home

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Puikus pasiūlymas! Kubos šėlsmas, Čili apelsinas, Kalėdos rekomenduoju! Great offer! Cuban Revelry, Chili Orange, Christmas I recommend!

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Čili apelsinas. Chili orange.

Super Great

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ambra ambergris

Kažkas nerealaus Something unreal

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Santalas Santal

Labai malonus kvapas :) Very pleasant smell :)

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Santalas Santal

Nuostabus namų kvapai. Wonderful home fragrances.

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Odoro mood namų kvapų rinkinys Odoro mood home fragrance set

Puikūs ir įvairūs kvapai. Jau antrą kartą užsisakau, bus ir trečias užsakymas :) šie kvapai buvo dovanos artimiesiems, tikiu, kad greit sulauksite naujų klientų :) Great and varied scents. This is the second time I have ordered, and there will be a third order :) these scents were gifts for relatives, I believe that you will get new customers soon :)

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Ambra Ambergris

Nerealiai šiltas kvapas, ilgam užtenka, perku nebe pirmą kartą, vienas iš draugų išėjas iš vonios kambario visada kvepia šiuo kvapu . Jų šeimai jis labai patiko, todėl ir jie nustebinti po eglute šiuo kvapu Unrealistically warm smell, it lasts for a long time, it's not the first time I buy it, one of my friends always smells like this when he comes out of the bathroom. Their family liked it very much, so they were also surprised with this scent under the tree

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Kalėdos Christmas

Sukuria Kalėdų nuotaiką namie. Rekomenduoju. Creates a Christmas mood at home. I recommend it.

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Mood kvapai Mood scents

Labai nudžiugino greitai pristatytas Mood serijos kvapų rinkinys, kuris jau iš tolo skleidė puikius aromatus. Puikus pakuotės dizainas ir kvapų lengvumas pakeliantis nuotaiką! I was very pleased with the quickly delivered set of Mood series fragrances, which emitted excellent aromas from afar. Great packaging design and the lightness of the scent is uplifting!

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Santalas Santal

Subtilus ir prabangus kvapas! A delicate and luxurious scent!

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Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Namų kvapais esu labai patenkinta. Rekomenduoju išbandyti I am very satisfied with the scents of the house. I recommend you try it

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Kvapas The smell

Labai patiko visi kvapai. Labiausiai nustebino Kalėdinis I really liked all the scents. Christmas was the most surprising

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Kubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry

Geriausias kvapas The best scent

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Kubos šėlsmas Cuban revelry

kubos šėlsmas kažkas wow, labai geras, stiprus, sunkus, sodrus kvapas, primenantis vyriškus gerus kvepalus cuban frenzy something wow very good strong heavy rich scent reminiscent of men's good perfume

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Magnolija ir juodieji serbentai Magnolia and blackcurrants

Nuo magnolija kvapo aš net iš kambario nenoriu išeiti, o juodieji serbentai švelnus kvapas The smell of magnolia makes me not even want to leave the room, and black currants have a soft smell

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Puiku! Great!

Odoro perku jau 3 metai, nei vienu kvapu nesu nusivylusi. Mėgstamiausi Santalas, Magnolija, Ambra. Laikosi labai ilgai, kvepia prabangiai I have been buying Odoro for 3 years now, and I have not been disappointed with a single scent. My favorites are Santal, Magnolia, Ambergris. Lasts very long, smells luxurious

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Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Nuostabus zydinciu apelsinu ir astriu prieskoniu aromatas. Perku jau ne pirma karta. Wonderful aroma of blooming oranges and spicy spices. It's not the first time I buy.

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UAB,,Smiltenė" Smiltenė UAB

Gera dovana Kalėdų proga A good gift for Christmas

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Mood serijos kvapai Fragrances of the Mood series

Puikus sprendimas ieškantiems įsimintinos dovanos, juk artėja Kalėdos. O šiuo karantino laikotarpiu namų kasdienybę praturtina nuostabūs odoro kvapai. Dukros kambarį kvėpina Magnolija, miegamojo erdvę Avietė, o vonios kambarį Vasaros sodas. Mmmm.... A great solution for those looking for a memorable gift, because Christmas is coming. And during this quarantine period, everyday life at home is enriched by wonderful odors. My daughter's room is scented with Magnolia, the bedroom with Raspberry, and the bathroom with Summer Garden. Hmmm...

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Čili apelsinas Chili orange

Man kvapas asocijuojasi su kątik pradėtu lupti apelsinu, todėl tobulai tiks žiemos šventėms. I associate the scent with a freshly-peeled orange, so it's perfect for the winter holidays.

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Kaledu kvapas The smell of Christmas

Niekada nenuvilia sis kvapas. labai rekomenduoju! This scent never disappoints. highly recommend!

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Santalas Santal

Nuostabus kvapas Amazing smell

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Šampano namai House of Champagne

Devizas - penktadienis kasdien , nuteikia labai gerai , įėjus į namus, odoro tikrai apgaubia ypatinga šiluma , maloniu kvapu ir pakilia nuotaika . Motto - Friday every day, puts you in a very good mood, when you enter the house, the smell really envelops you with special warmth, a pleasant smell and lifts your mood.

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PROMOTION. Buy any 4 ODORO MOOD home fragrances and get the fifth FREE! When ordering, in the product personalization section, write the names of the 5 home fragrances you want to receive. Scents to choose from: Chili Orange, Santal, House of Champagne, Cuban Revelry, Ambergris, Magnolia, Frankincense, Black Currant, Summer Garden, Raspberry, Honeymoon, Christmas.

HOME FRAGRANCE WITH STICKS - A SIMPLE AND ELEGANT WAY OF SCENTING YOUR HOME! Aromatic oil is suitable for aromatizing homes or other rooms. Pleasant aroma, strongly concentrated. Well felt and easily diffused in the environment. Chopsticks. The black multi-fiber reeds have a unique production technology - the pores along the reed are regular and allow the aromatic oil to move at a uniform speed, which is why they are 50% more efficient than wooden reeds. Multi-fiber sticks will ensure better diffusion of the ODOR aroma and the integrity of the scent in the scented room. Longevity. When used according to the instructions, the fragrance lasts for 2-4 months. It is recommended to use 3-4 sticks at a time, turning them over every few days. For more information, see "Users manual". ODORO - scents as desired!

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