Čili apelsinas MINI Chilli Orange MINI
Vienas mėgstamiausių kvapų ir dar vienas labai dailus dizainas.Pagal patalpos dydį manau didesniam pvz vonios kambariui tai pats tas.Mano atveju nusisavino sūnus į savo kambarį One of my favorite scents and another very beautiful design. According to the size of the room, I think it is the same for a larger bathroom, for example. In my case, my son appropriated it in his room
Čili apelsinas Chili orange
Na man čia visiškas topas,kur atrodo patiks visiems,dominuoja apelsinas su šalia einančiais prieskoniais,kiek aš jų nupirkusIr sau ir visad dovanų turiu spintoj atsargai pasidėjus,maža kur į svečius reiks netikėtai Well, this is a complete top for me, it looks like everyone will like it, the orange dominates with the nearby spices, how many of them have I bought and I always have gifts for myself and stocked up in the cupboard, there are a few places where you will need unexpected guests
Čili apelsinas Chili orange
Nepatiko. Įkyrus, pigus kvapas Didn't like it. Obnoxious, cheap smell
Show originalShow translationČiki apelsinas Chiki orange
Geras kvapas, rekomenduoju Good smell, I recommend it
Show originalShow translationEach sample is filled with about 1.5 ml of pure aromatic oil. You will smell the best when you dip a piece of paper into the oil and move it around your nose.
The test tubes are only for smelling and familiarization with the scent. Do not apply on the skin, use as a fragrance, as this formula is not adapted.